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clemency for "tookie" williams

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Old 12-07-2005, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

i too thought duty to flee was in all the states cept for florida. that enacted that stand ur ground law.

u cant just shoot someone for walking through ur property. that makes no sense at all. especially out there on hunting grounds where you dont know where public land ends and private property begins.

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Old 12-07-2005, 06:01 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

clemency for what? Oh yeah he's probably making a ---- load of money from his books and probably getting a percentage of the movie sales. I'm sure he'd love to spend it.

Dude tried to be a hard ***, and now he's gonna get his *** handed hard to him.

Sentenced in 79 and just now getting fried? That's 26 extra years he lived. Granting him clemency, just shows that people can do wreckless dispictable acts and still live and evade punishment.

That's bull. That's like saying Pol Pot and Hitler can be forgiven if they write a book saying what they did was bad.
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Old 12-07-2005, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

We're all wrong because we got the story from the media, while you got your story from? Oh yeah, you were there.
Common sense will tell you that if it's one hunter vs. 5 hunters, the one hunter is gonna get shot up, unless he was completly out of line and caught the other guys off gaurd. If the 5 of them were trying to kill him, they wouldn't be off gaurd.

Nobody gives a ---- what country he came from, what they teach thier kids, or how uncivilized they are. Those are all irrellevent points.

Tookie Williams is a dirtbag, and so is that hmong piece of ----. It seems you take just about any side except the one with common sense.

We're only "reading to much into your sig" because we understand the message loud and clear. In the U.S, you get a jury full of American's. It takes a true racist to point out that if they are all white you'll somehow be on the shitty end of the stick. That must mean that all white people, no matter who's on the jury, would be racist. That's a real rational thought. "Whould you feel nervous sitting in front of an all asian jury?". WTF does that have to do with your all white person senerio? Wait, I understand. You as an asian would feel nervous about an all white jury cause they're all racist, and we (the white people) are supposed to say we would feel uncomfortable with an all asian jury because, What? They're all racist too? Is that the answer and the scenerio that you're implying

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Old 12-07-2005, 06:37 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

On the 12th im gonna wear a shirt that says "Save Tookie" on the front and I need a good slogan for the back. maybe soemthiong bout the money he got (200 bucks) or maybe like "The crip walk will die with him"
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Old 12-07-2005, 07:10 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

Originally Posted by evosol
Yo Whitey,

If i where defending him, then i would be saying that he is innocent. Please quote where i have typed that, because i have not. I simply said that he got an unfair trial. and to top everything off... you make a bigger deal of race than I, please come with something more creative.

but for the sake of this argument... i said that he will have to live with his consequences.

you never answered my Q. Would you feel comfortable sitting in front of an all Asian jury?

that my friend, is the answer to your question in regards to the quote in my Sig.

and what if my role models are convicted murderers?? whats it to you Geezzzus... not everyone believes the same ---- as you.

I'm not trying to be creative here, I'm just pointing out how you contradicted yourself 50 times in this thread becuase you keep changing your point of view. And if you think he's guilty of killing those people and he was found guilty how was that an unfair trial? To answer your question if I would feel comfortable with an all asian jury... probably. However it would never happen. The legal system is based on having a jury of your peers saying "all white jury" doesn't mean ----. The age and sex of the jury would bother me more than if they were all asian
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Old 12-07-2005, 07:18 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

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Old 12-07-2005, 07:20 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

to have a trial go to actual court it goes through like 6 mini trials, where they basically have to find the defendent guilty in all of them before it goes into an actual courtroom and he/she can plead guilty/not guilty.

dude is guilty. He's gonna fry. Should he be spared? Didn't spare the 4 people over 200 bucks, so why spare his crip ***.
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Old 12-07-2005, 07:21 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

Come on Whitey, nothing makes the news unless you call it racist.
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Old 12-07-2005, 08:00 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

Quote from: random-strike on December 05, 2005, 11:167 PM

end of thread, none of us know for sure.

if you both are experts go to washington and work for the DoD or State Department and quit whoring threads with your opinions
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Old 12-07-2005, 09:51 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

If there is a way to bring all the victims back from the dead I say give him clemency. Since you can't reverse your crime He should be set on fire and pushed off a cliff into a pool of sharks with fricken laser beams on their fricken fore heads.
If you kil someone you kill someone you deserve to die regardless of race.
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