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clemency for "tookie" williams

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Old 12-08-2005, 12:15 AM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

if the guy chased down the hunters why didnt the hunters shoot him... they are hunters they have guns
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Old 12-08-2005, 02:19 AM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
We're all wrong because we got the story from the media, while you got your story from? Oh yeah, you were there.
As a matter of fact i was not there. Where you there??
It is a proven fact that News Media has a profound influence on the general public. If it did not, ask yourself why media is such a large industry in America. A headliner that reads, 'Hmong hunter cold bloodedily shoots and kills 5 hunters,' is going to have an effect on what people think, especially many months before the actual trial, and to top it all off remain in the same county. By trial time, especially in the small tight nit communities such as middle America, everyone has already made up their mind who is guilty. Let me remind you, i'm not defending his inocence but rather his trial.

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Common sense will tell you that if it's one hunter vs. 5 hunters, the one hunter is gonna get shot up, unless he was completly out of line and caught the other guys off gaurd. If the 5 of them were trying to kill him, they wouldn't be off gaurd.
This is a poor example, as it may look good on paper there are too many variables. This is like saying i have 300whp, 2400lb chassis, therefore i should run a low 12. It does not account for wheelspin, driver ability, track conditions ect. Besides, after the whole ordeal it was revealed that the party of hunters only had a one rifle and a pistol, how could anyone know that during the heat of confrontation? Most normal people have enough common sense to act fast versus asking, "howdy gang!? abouts how many guns do you think you'll be pointing at me before i run?" The point i'm making is that in the heat of the moment there is no ratianal thinking, we rely on what most scientists call 'animal instincts,' this applies to all humans the last time i checked.

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Nobody gives a ---- what country he came from, what they teach thier kids, or how uncivilized they are. Those are all irrellevent points.
Yes and NO. This comes back to the argument on the make up of the Jury. Its obvious to everyone that cultures are very different. In Mr. Vangs case, Hes a fairly new immigrant, In South Vietnam where he probably immigrated from there is a very high level of uncertianty when compared to American culture. When i say 'high level of uncertainty' i'm talking about the environment and level of threat someone has to grow up in. In Loas Hmong people are still being hunted down by the Loas government, so they live in fear and believe in real threat. Where as Americans, WE live pretty comfortable, we live each day knowing that there is little chance our cities will be burned down or our families hunted down and slaughtered. Our actions are not as drastic as someone who may have had to grow up in Laos, the Middle East or the Ghetto. get it? So as i alluded to, it does make a difference when it comes to the make up of the Jury. So unless that the white jury was proficient in intercultural communications and had a strong grasp of how other cultures operate it would be to the defendants disadvantage (which would probably be rare for members of small communities to attain high education). Thats why i say it is very possible that Mr. Vang felt a real emminent threat, one that was quickly disregarded.

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Tookie Williams is a dirtbag, and so is that hmong piece of ----. It seems you take just about any side except the one with common sense.
you think Tookie and "that Hmong piece of ----" is a dirtbag. Thats great, its your opinion you're entittled to it. It dosn't bother me, i have chosen to side with the most logical common sense to know that not everyone is going to have the same views as I, so i don't feel a need to personally attack you because its useless. get it? What were you saying about common sense?

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
We're only "reading to much into your sig" because we understand the message loud and clear. In the U.S, you get a jury full of American's. It takes a true racist to point out that if they are all white you'll somehow be on the shitty end of the stick. That must mean that all white people, no matter who's on the jury, would be racist. That's a real rational thought. "Whould you feel nervous sitting in front of an all asian jury?". WTF does that have to do with your all white person senerio? Wait, I understand. You as an asian would feel nervous about an all white jury cause they're all racist, and we (the white people) are supposed to say we would feel uncomfortable with an all asian jury because, What? They're all racist too? Is that the answer and the scenerio that you're implying
Thats an interesting point you make there Stealth, but i find no facts in that statement just your assumptions. I am no more "racist" than anyone else on this forum.

I have a differnet oppinion and everyone wants to personally attack me. Thats fine, it doesn't bother me because i understand that most of these pimple-faced snot nosed punks are still immature little *****, i would have thought you would know better.
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Old 12-08-2005, 02:23 AM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

i watched the trial on court tv

only one of the "hunters" had a rifle. the rest were unarmed.

he shot the guy with the rifle and the rest of them ran off unarmed and they were shot while running away. even the woman right?

if he is going to come here and still "live under a threat level" like he is in laos then he needs to go back to laos.
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Old 12-08-2005, 02:42 AM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

i was watching the news, and some of the og crip gang members says that tookie wasn't even the founder or a co-founder of the crips gang, just a member.

So that foo's a liar. Claiming to co-found the crips. Oh and his name is tookie, because he liked to "tookie" your stuff. Theif, murderer, and liar.
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Old 12-08-2005, 02:03 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

i think i'm gonna have a Tookie party on the 13th. BBQ in the snow and drink some beers. oh and all the meat is gonna be well done in his rememberance,lol.
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Old 12-08-2005, 02:24 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

Evosol, it seems to me that you're just in it for the debate. I'll accept that before I'll except that you actually believe what you're trying to say.

A kid steals candy from the store. Stealthmode and his posse of 99.9% of the rest of the world believe the kid should face an appropriate punishment. Punishment served, hopefully a lesson learned.

Evosol wants to find out WHY the kid stole it. Possibly excusing the action and preventing the kid from learning that you just can't steal things that aren't yours. Excuse the crime and tell people it's ok to rely on excuses of your actions due to prejudice of others. Then it's not your fault for stealing, it's the other peoples fault for guessing that you were just a thieving little punk. Live up to thier expectations and blame them for it.

End of debate. This one is no fun.
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Old 12-08-2005, 03:53 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

evosol, you admitted you were wrong on tookie. its time you admitted you were wrong on this one. i brought up many good points. and you had nothing to say about them. so i will try again. please allow me to iunput my rebuttle.

Originally Posted by evosol
As a matter of fact i was not there. Where you there??

It is a proven fact that News Media has a profound influence on the general public. If it did not, ask yourself why media is such a large industry in America. A headliner that reads, 'Hmong hunter cold bloodedily shoots and kills 5 hunters,' is going to have an effect on what people think, especially many months before the actual trial, and to top it all off remain in the same county. By trial time, especially in the small tight nit communities such as middle America, everyone has already made up their mind who is guilty. Let me remind you, i'm not defending his inocence but rather his trial.

so the general public had made up there minds before the trial even began cause the media in there minds had already convicted, tried, and condemmend the dude, thats all fine and dandy, but guess what dude, he wasnt tried by the general public, he was tried by 12 juroros, whjo were instructed to follow facts. not opinion, and were instructed to presume innocent untill proven guilty, there is a working jury selection process, if the defense in any way shape or form thought that the jury was fucked up. they could have brought thatr to the attention of the judge, but they didnt. meaning they accepted the verdict assesed to em by the jury.

This is a poor example, as it may look good on paper there are too many variables. This is like saying i have 300whp, 2400lb chassis, therefore i should run a low 12. It does not account for wheelspin, driver ability, track conditions ect. Besides, after the whole ordeal it was revealed that the party of hunters only had a one rifle and a pistol, how could anyone know that during the heat of confrontation? Most normal people have enough common sense to act fast versus asking, "howdy gang!? abouts how many guns do you think you'll be pointing at me before i run?" The point i'm making is that in the heat of the moment there is no ratianal thinking, we rely on what most scientists call 'animal instincts,' this applies to all humans the last time i checked.

he shot 4 people. a man, his son, a woman and a teenager, thats not spur of the moment, DUTY TO FLEE and it isnt self defense cause u dont shoot a teenage kid and a woman in self defense, seems to me the only animal instinct he had is the fact that this guy was an animal, a pig, that doesnt even deserve to get life in prison. life in prison is not justice. life in prison is letting him off easilly. this guy needs to be killed, i hope he gets killed in prison

Yes and NO. This comes back to the argument on the make up of the Jury. Its obvious to everyone that cultures are very different. In Mr. Vangs case, Hes a fairly new immigrant, In South Vietnam where he probably immigrated from there is a very high level of uncertianty when compared to American culture. When i say 'high level of uncertainty' i'm talking about the environment and level of threat someone has to grow up in. In Loas Hmong people are still being hunted down by the Loas government, so they live in fear and believe in real threat. Where as Americans, WE live pretty comfortable, we live each day knowing that there is little chance our cities will be burned down or our families hunted down and slaughtered. Our actions are not as drastic as someone who may have had to grow up in Laos, the Middle East or the Ghetto. get it? So as i alluded to, it does make a difference when it comes to the make up of the Jury. So unless that the white jury was proficient in intercultural communications and had a strong grasp of how other cultures operate it would be to the defendants disadvantage (which would probably be rare for members of small communities to attain high education). Thats why i say it is very possible that Mr. Vang felt a real emminent threat, one that was quickly disregarded.
the make up the jury has notghing to do wiyth the fairness of the trial. iit doesnt matter if it was an all hmong jury, given the FACTS and the EVIDENCE and the witness TESTIMONY he would still have been convicted. lololololol fairly new immigrant? this dueds lived here for 20 plus yeatrs, very high level of uncertinty? thats NO EXCUSE, no matter what kind of threat he felt, shooting a women and a teenage? some of them more than once? and then keeping ur cool enough to be led out of there by two other hunters? this guy knew what he was doing. and it doesnt matter wherew the ---- he's from, he shot 4 people. some of em more than once. i guess were gonna have to post pictures of his victims before u give in.

you think Tookie and "that Hmong piece of ----" is a dirtbag. Thats great, its your opinion you're entittled to it. It dosn't bother me, i have chosen to side with the most logical common sense to know that not everyone is going to have the same views as I, so i don't feel a need to personally attack you because its useless. get it? What were you saying about common sense?

Thats an interesting point you make there Stealth, but i find no facts in that statement just your assumptions. I am no more "racist" than anyone else on this forum.

I have a differnet oppinion and everyone wants to personally attack me. Thats fine, it doesn't bother me because i understand that most of these pimple-faced snot nosed punks are still immature little *****, i would have thought you would know better.

i see your lips moving. but all i hear is blablablablaabalbalba dude, youre digging in deep. your runniung out of room, you have nothing to say. i would be surprised if u did, what are you gonna do? say aliens were spotted in the area and they could have done it?

you admitted you were wrong on tookie. now be a good little boy, and admit you were wrong on this guy.

moving on...

so whos the next ---- bag that deserves to die that you want to bring up?
might as well get all of thease so called "heroes" of yours out of the ------- way.

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Old 12-08-2005, 03:57 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

BlueCockly, don't try to join my debate team. Stick to swim team, bitchboy.
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Old 12-08-2005, 03:58 PM
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Default Re: clemency for "tookie" williams

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Evosol, it seems to me that you're just in it for the debate. I'll accept that before I'll except that you actually believe what you're trying to say.

A kid steals candy from the store. Stealthmode and his posse of 99.9% of the rest of the world believe the kid should face an appropriate punishment. Punishment served, hopefully a lesson learned.

Evosol wants to find out WHY the kid stole it. Possibly excusing the action and preventing the kid from learning that you just can't steal things that aren't yours. Excuse the crime and tell people it's ok to rely on excuses of your actions due to prejudice of others. Then it's not your fault for stealing, it's the other peoples fault for guessing that you were just a thieving little punk. Live up to thier expectations and blame them for it.

End of debate. This one is no fun.
You are right, i took it as a debate. You took it as an opportunity to try and judge me as a person based my opinion, you and "99.9% of your posse." You and 99.9% of the newbies who ride your dick would be more fitting. Hey props to you for leading the band.

End of debate. I found it amusing breaking down your weak attempt to slander me. At least it was a better attempt than the other illiterates who at best could only type, '---- gooks.'
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Old 12-08-2005, 04:00 PM
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