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Birdley42008 08-28-2008 12:08 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops

Originally Posted by jagojon3
Kain you have never read a law book in your life either I'm guessing. The law varies from state to state, but most of the time if one party in the conversation knows about the recorder (you) then it's all legal.

The law depends on the area of which you are recording in, if it is private like a room of a house its most likely illegal, if its in a public area ,"public air space," it is legal. In this case recording people on your own property is perfectly legal, its your property, post signs, youre being video and audio recorded!

RotaryGeek 08-28-2008 12:20 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops
Man if i was you i would record everything possible. Go to your neighbors and ask if they honestly called the cops, so you know its not just a neighbor ------- with you. Then tell the police that if they have no complaints on you, and you still get harassed, then you will file a harassment lawsuit on them. Ask for proof that someone is complaining of the noise. Make sure you already have statements from all your neighbors about the last times they have called the cops becuase of a problem with you. Call there boss at the police station and let them know whats going on and you want it stopped. If that doesn't work, follow through with a harassment lawsuit. Just make sure you have all your ducks lined up and ---- in order before you go trying to sue the police.

ichbinsobose 08-28-2008 12:23 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops
if I was you I would kill myself and save them the trouble

bigdaddyvtec 08-28-2008 01:29 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops

Put DOWN the pipe son... Go eat a sandwich and take a nap... FOr about three days from the sound of it...

The shadow people will go away after about 2 days worth of sleep.

2GeclipseRST 08-28-2008 01:39 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops
Super Troopers.

They're totally ------- with you.

Where the hell do you live?

Being a skateboarder, bike rider, and suspected local street racer (in charge of a ring they say) and even possible bank robber....i get fucked with alot.

When i first moved here in took up my bmx s hit again, i got arrested my first time my second month here.
I've been pulled over riding my bike being patted down for drugs and ----. I've been accused of breaking in to homes and whatnot just because i was riding my bike through a neighboorhood at high speeds....... On my skateboard, im an easy target. They just talk ----, cus at me and tease me trying to get me thrown in jail again. They did catch me hitting up a ledge on my bike about a year ago and threw me right back in the clinker. I was drunk and they didn't put any mention of alcohol in my report. None. They didn't even care!

I've been pulled twice in my car. Once for being a suspected drifter. My girlfriend, my friend andrew in his integra, 3 girls in their beat civic and some other people were rolling to my friend seans house for my birthday party and this cop pulls andrew so my gf and i are in my car and take off to my friend travis' house to wait for andrew. He shows up, the cop shows up 5 minutes later and the three girls are behind the cop! I was like oh, ----....... I was parked on the right side of the road with my parking lights on. My tires were 1" in the road (a low traffic neighboorhood that met a dirt road and a dead end) and i was faced the "wrong way" and he gave me a rash of ----. "You're parked in the road"

"no the ---- i'm not"
"yes you are and dont swear at me"
"Is that beer in the back seat"
"hatch, sir. I dont have a trunk"
"Is it open."
"The box, yes. We'll all take a bac test to prove none of us have been drinking or driving."
"not necessary"

I remembered i was cross-dressed in my gf's shirt and some skinny pants trying to be a scene kid and she had painted my nails earlier that day (it was my b irthday and i dressed like a fag for shits and giggles). I was like "man, i'm sorry, you're right. I am parked in the road and i have a FILTHY-FILTHY MOUTH. Can i get a hug....or a handshake just to show theres no hard feelings."

He didn't want to touch me so he just got back in his car and left. As he was getting ready to ride off, he rolls his window down and says "if you drink and drive, i am going to bust you. If you come out here and drift or whatever it is, i'm going to bust you"

I laughed and said "in fwd....never. have a good night."

We did drunk drift on the dirt road anyway......

I remember this one time i was comming home for my 30 minute lunch break. I work 3 miles down the road. I had a system in my car then. Two 12's and a decent sized amp. It was enough to shake the rearview off, make the hatch jump and make every pannel in the car want to pop off. So it's spring and i'm beating like hell. I pass a cop and get all nervous and ---- (my system isn't that loud outside of the car). I see him hit his brake lights and ---- and i see another one blow past him and do the same. I'm like "----, i'm going to be late clockign back in." I go to the light right by my house and pull into the gas station pretending i dont see the cop behind me and i'm getting out to get food. (never did leave the car). I gave him my liscense and all that ---- and i asked him why he pulled me over. "There was a bank robbery in charlotte and they gave us the discription of a white male in a black eclipse"

"Really?" I looked really close at my tan skin. "I'm not white........"

"I noticed."

"my fender is though. Dont you think they would have listed that.....and the black wheels in the description? What about my coffee can muffler?"

"They do stick out like a sore thumb, dont they."


"do you mind if we search."

"yes, i mind, i'm late clocking in, i work at walmart distrobution center but if you feel you need to, search to your hearts content"

I had a bag of parts in the back seat with a power steering resivoir in there. They dumped it out and got power steering fluid everywhere. I think i had just bought beer. Yeah, i did. I had 2 24oz bud ices underneath the passenger front seat, unopened. They threw them up on the mess they just made. They did a real, half-assed search. Never even popped the hatch or flipped the seat down to have a look.

"so you didn't pull me over for noise"

"No, you're good to go. We didn't hear anything, we were just looking for a robbery suspect. Thank you."

Holy god ---- me was i ------- pissed.

"wait, we need to search your person as well"


They searched and then one of the cops i knew was sitting there bullshitting with me and i told him i was going to get shitcanned for a late break at work and he let me go.

EVERYONE in my town asked if i got busted for racing or drugs...... They laughed like hell when i told them the story. I'm a resident bad apple when in all actuallity, i've done nothing wrong.

Small town cops have small minds. That's all it is. Move.

This is one of the many reasons i'm taking my ass to boston mass next year.

cbirchmore 08-28-2008 01:46 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops
Turbo Dave, go talk to iGod!

j3w 08-28-2008 01:53 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops

Turbo Dave, take your lighter off the screen

bigdaddyvtec 08-28-2008 02:42 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops

Originally Posted by J.H.Christ

Turbo Dave, take your lighter off the screen

That picture made me have to poop... Its a conditioned response...

Oh how I cant wait for the dry heaves too... The addicts mind is a ----------er.....

Tom-Guy 08-28-2008 02:46 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops

Originally Posted by Joseph Davis
Are you a tweeker?

buk9tp 08-28-2008 03:23 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops

Originally Posted by kain
you obviously have not read the law books have you. It is not legal to record someone without them knowing.

the law has been interpreted to say that recording a third party convo is illegal

but if your partaking in the convo and your recording its legal

its always your word vs the cops

so why not have extra security

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