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95streetciv 08-29-2008 01:40 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops

I think theres got to be more to this story.
Cops usually start pushing back on the complaining neighbor if no noise is found, over and over.
And a helicopter? damn somebody's got some resources to waste.

Is someone's daughter over at your house or something?

JDMFantasy2K 08-29-2008 03:19 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops
he's probably neglecting to tell us that he's probably O0 in a predominately white southern bumfuck neighborhood

losesomethinbra 08-29-2008 04:10 PM

Re: In Fear of Being Arrested in my Home by Corrupt Cops
Around here cops got a call on a woman screaming, they found it was a party, told them to keep it down and left. Turned out a girl was killed in the bathroom, so they dont ---- around. So now, if they claim they got a call about a woman screaming your rights are out the door. They'll kick your door in and have the right to pretty much do whatever they want lol

SoleKing 07-24-2009 01:30 AM

no reason u will get arrested... or is there mister i sell drugs to young kids

joegs 08-19-2009 05:24 PM

damn bro good luck with that situation maybe the people that lived there before u were a problem and the cops think u r some how linked to them

chenmeifang 08-27-2009 01:59 AM


Lt. Dangle 08-27-2009 01:53 PM

this is a fucked situation, but I think something HAS to be unsaid here...I mean seriously, there HAS to be a reason for the cops being there 24/7

40 psi 4g63 08-27-2009 05:48 PM

damn move outa there

record the next time but dont make it obviuos.. most states you dont even have to tell them you are

staticchmbr 08-28-2009 10:20 PM

call a lawyer about harrassment already damnit

vtech 09-02-2009 12:26 AM

maybe they just think your in the prime location to sell meth

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