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SkunT 06-16-2006 12:46 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
President Bush or John Kerry.

enough said.
no more arguing.

R-MAK 06-16-2006 12:55 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
Steve, I'll ------- take you to battle anyday son. But I dont wanna hurt that pretty SoCal face of yours, and besides, a 19 year old kicking your ass is sad, especially a Canuck :P

jk i love you :)

strandmo 06-16-2006 01:00 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by SinisterCRX
Eh, that could happen to anyone. Like the time I made a sort-of joke about this girl only having one arm, and it turned out she really only had one arm.

(Every time I saw her she had long sleeved jackets on that covered her hand anyways so I couldn't tell. Blah)

I totally know what ur sayin there, i dated a chick missin a hand once and she always hid it under a purse or a jacket, i didnt know for like 3 weeks... i made a dumb joke = end of relationship

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Free heroin, a safe house to inject them in.......all the same. What would you want a military for? lol. Probably because we've seen how the "we just won't get involved and nobody will harm us" attitude works. Refer back to the terrorists found in your country in the last month. ;) I'm sure your intellegence agency had anything to do with that either. :X

bush has gone downhill since he was elected but my best friend is in the marines and has been in iraq for a year. he said that we NEED to be there, so i dont really care what the press says. i go by what he tells me in is monthly letters. end of story.

USS 06-16-2006 01:15 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
Haha, my bro's in Iraq, and so is a good friend of mine. Both of them think it's complete bullshit we're over there. Why are we over there again? Oh yeah, to force democracy; something that cannot be forced.

If we wouldn't let any yahoo into the damn country, we wouldn't have the ------- "terrorist" problem. As much as I don't like Kerry, I'd still have him over this ape ---- Bush.

90dx 06-16-2006 01:20 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Free heroin, a safe house to inject them in.......all the same. What would you want a military for? lol. Probably because we've seen how the "we just won't get involved and nobody will harm us" attitude works. Refer back to the terrorists found in your country in the last month. ;) I'm sure your intellegence agency had anything to do with that either. :X

Well either let a junkie boot with a clean needle or pay out 100K to treat him after he gets Hep C, Aids etc.Simple economics nothing more.The majority of people struggle with this concept due to old fashion ways of thinking.We all no how effective the war on drugs has been :1 As far as military we dont have any people who want to sign up to go get shot in some shithole country full of people nobody gives a rats ass about.As well I dont give a ---- about terrorism as there is nothing you can do to stop them other then to change the reasons they have to attack which no one is willing to do.More people die every year from hitting a deer in there car then from terrorism anyways.

TomPlastina 06-16-2006 01:21 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
cant we all just get along, bush is -----, why the ---- you think his names bush, puss is bushy.

jacob 06-16-2006 01:56 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
i wish great ill on the so called president. thats all im gonna say

GenLx 06-16-2006 02:23 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
all you dems do is bitch and moan yet you'd never handle the situations better. lets see...clinton, gore, kerry. three winners right there...

lets all crucify the president whose actually doing some good in this country, for this country and for the world. boo hisss he did it before we could get the credit for it. all you do is piss and moan about how unfair it is and blah blah blah. geuss what, theres a damned good reason you lost. get over it ya ------- pansies

N1ghtM0nkey 06-16-2006 03:06 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
I'm honestly sick and ------- tired of hearing people bitch about the president.


Why do we have a military? Because as somebody else said, the "well if we don't ---- with anybody, nobody will ---- with us" policy doesn't ------- work. Other than that, American people and normal people in general like to know that they are protected incase somebody does decide to ---- with us.

And what if we want to do some of the -------? Is that such a bad thing?

I'd rather ---- somebody else than get fucked, wouldn't you? Even if it's just a slim chance you might get fucked.

Donald125 06-16-2006 03:20 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
so Chris are you still leaving Canada for US?

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