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2BG4HNDA 06-16-2006 08:03 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by Snafubmx234
Haha, my bro's in Iraq, and so is a good friend of mine. Both of them think it's complete bullshit we're over there. Why are we over there again? Oh yeah, to force democracy; something that cannot be forced.

If we wouldn't let any yahoo into the damn country, we wouldn't have the ------- "terrorist" problem. As much as I don't like Kerry, I'd still have him over this ape ---- Bush.

Yup, the biggest reason that ------- chooch got elected is because he is so much like every other fukin American, he is one of "the people" well i dont know about the rest of you but i sure as ---- dont want someone like me running my country, i want someone smarter, someone well read and able to see past what's good for my family finacially.....bottom line is, he is a power tripping illiterate country boy that might be a blast to hang with and drink beers (only Canadian beer pls) but having him with his finger on the "button" is akin to an Ape that's learned to read and comunicate running the military. Amusing sure but what happens when someone steals his Bananas.....

SkunT 06-16-2006 08:30 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
so your sayin Kerry, who didnt know his head from his ass would have done better?

2BG4HNDA 06-16-2006 09:18 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by junkyard racer
so your sayin Kerry, who didnt know his head from his ass would have done better?


N1ghtM0nkey 06-16-2006 09:27 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by 2BG4HNDA

I disagree, Kerry voted FOR the war, not AGAINST it.

We'd still be there, we'd be in the exact same spot, only people would bitch about different things. I hate it when people bitch about war, it's not like we have an active draft or anything...the people who sign up to join the military sign up knowing that there's a good chance they'll be going to war.

Atleast thats what I assumed when I signed up.

MikeJ-2009 06-16-2006 09:28 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by 90dx
Well either let a junkie boot with a clean needle or pay out 100K to treat him after he gets Hep C, Aids etc.Simple economics nothing more.The majority of people struggle with this concept due to old fashion ways of thinking.

100k to treat him isn't something I'd be willing to do either, but that's why "universal" healthcare doesn't work. You start appeasing drug addicts because you're affraid you'll have to pay for them at the hospital. It's never been the governments job to take care of those who refuse to take care of themselves. If they do, the country becomes completely dependent on the government, and you have zero personal responsibility.

Originally Posted by 90dx
As far as military we dont have any people who want to sign up to go get shot in some shithole country full of people nobody gives a rats ass about.As well I dont give a ---- about terrorism as there is nothing you can do to stop them other then to change the reasons they have to attack which no one is willing to do.More people die every year from hitting a deer in there car then from terrorism anyways.

Being passive makes it impossible for the country to EVER defend itself. lol. Not just terrorism, but with anything. People hit a deer and its called AN ACCIDENT. Terrorist plots are PLANNED. We have more people dying in car accidents than troops being killed in Iraq, but that's hardly a point for or against it. The U.S has never been one to sit and watch (except Bill Clinton) terrorists determine what happens in the world. We'd rather be pro-active.

Anyway, I'm not trying to make this a Pro Bush thread. I just find it funny that people can live so passively and feel safe while they've accepted that terrorists will call the shots when, where, and how they want to.

Travis, you fat lop of a Canadian. You probably take up half the healthcare by yourself having bypass surgery once a month. >:D

strandmo 06-16-2006 11:26 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
Yea I'm just gettin out of this debate now cause everything goin on with bush and iraq right now is just BS! :1

spoon fed 06-16-2006 11:33 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by Donald125
so Chris are you still leaving Canada for US?

yea :-[ still thinking about it....

USS 06-16-2006 11:57 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by N1ghtM0nkey
I disagree, Kerry voted FOR the war, not AGAINST it.

We'd still be there, we'd be in the exact same spot, only people would bitch about different things. I hate it when people bitch about war, it's not like we have an active draft or anything...the people who sign up to join the military sign up knowing that there's a good chance they'll be going to war.

Atleast thats what I assumed when I signed up.

He was not "for" war, he understood that we are over there, and we need to fix it. He developed a plan and had deadlines for when ---- was supposed to be done, and for when we were to pull our troops out. I have yet to see that from our current president :-\

You sign up for the military because you want to serve the country, no? How is this ------- serving our country? A bunch of kids are getting killed for no reason, by people that don't give a ---- about their life.

Kerry was not a good choice by any means, but he's a hell of a lot better than this red-neck faggot we have now.

HondaTuner 06-16-2006 12:09 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

In October 2002, he supported the current war in Iraq, despite the fact that Iraq took no aggressive action against its neighbors.
He voted for the war...

then voted against it

USS 06-16-2006 12:12 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by SinisterCRX
He voted for the war...

then voted against it

CURRENT war for Iraq, meaning he didn't want us to just pull out. He's smarter than that.

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