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jdmvaaj 06-16-2006 04:23 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
I don't know about you, but I got a child tax credit. ???

How dare Bush raise the child tax credit to $1000 per child :1

MikeJ-2009 06-16-2006 04:30 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
And he gave the military a pay increase, rather than cutting our military by 40% and watching terrorists bomb the world trade center, the USS Cole, and countless Embessys while getting sucked off in the oval office.

ifly87 06-16-2006 05:37 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Taxes were raised? Where?

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
And he gave the military a pay increase

HUH?! you answered youself there, he's not giving them a raise out of his own pocket.

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
And you might want to look at the unemployment percentage TODAY before you try to make it seem like everyone is walking the streets.

I'm pretty sure out of the town I live in, pop. 6,000, one company outsorced and closed down there plant here, (lost about 1,500 jobs) and another which you might know by the name of Hilshire Farms (meat +sausage'n ----) which is run by sara lee, just layed off another 1,200. Nearly half the population in my town lost their jobs within the las 12 months.

USS 06-16-2006 06:12 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
Actually he cut taxes and gave the military a pay increase. He funded the war by taking tax money out of other, non-important things. You know, our roads (that's why nobody is working on them the past couple of years around here), our schools (we don't need to educate anybody!) and other fun things.

MikeJ-2009 06-16-2006 10:19 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
Your town has 6,000 people. You gave examples of 1,700 people being layed off (which I'll give you credit for). That doesn't add up to

and seeing millions of people lose their jobs.

Originally Posted by Snafubmx234
He funded the war by taking tax money out of other, non-important things. You know, our roads (that's why nobody is working on them the past couple of years around here), our schools (we don't need to educate anybody!) and other fun things.

Um, they've got the roads plenty fucked up out here. And half of the education budget is wasted on feel good ---- that doesn't amount to anything. It always has. We've been hearing all of our lives that "more money for education....blah blah". Has it gotten better or worse? Is there a point where "there's enough money in education for them to do the job correctly", or is it a never ending pit that produces jack?

blackice90hb 06-16-2006 11:08 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
"more money for education....blah blah".

It must have went to the "No child left behind" bullshit. In Florida, we have to take the FCAT test every so often or whatever, but if you dont pass the test in High School, you dont graduate. It dont matter if you had a 4.0, you dont pass by your senior year, your ass gets a certificate of completion. Happened to one of my friends, it fucked up his football scolarship, and he had like a 3.4 GPA. Shits gay, just on the fact that what you do in school is secondary to that damn test, concerning being eligible to graduate. That really the only thing I have to bitch about Bush, and the fact that my Dad's been to ------- Iraq 5 times in the last 4-5 years, 3-6 months at a time. Not to mention he's a ------- Major in the USMC. Well, the first 4 times he was a Captian, but still.

yllwciv5 06-16-2006 11:36 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
bush is the worst president ever....and other countrys hate us b/c of him....but the funny thing is people reelect'd him for another term.....plus he's lied many times so.....!!!!IMPEACHMENT!!!

blackice90hb 06-16-2006 11:50 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
yllwciv5, you're Mike right? did you ever finish your turbo EF? I have a actual working Si dizzy if you still need it, just pay half shipping, (like 4 bucks, lol, Im poor as hell)

GenLx 06-16-2006 11:59 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
wow. every democratic response here has been "i hate bush and have no reason for it except for because i'm a bleeding heart waaa waaa waaa"

you fucks couldn't win an arguement if the solution was on the paper under your nose.

other countries dont like us cuz we are actually doing something no one else had the balls to do. no other country had 2 planes flown into their trade centers and one into the pentagon.

our economy has consistently been growing over the last 4 years. no bush is not perfect but if anyone says kerry would do better doesnt know his head from his -------. do some fact finding to see how ------- great kerry is. oh wait, you wont, so why bother, i'll just let you know now, he's the worst presidential candidate in years, he lost, get over it.

get some facts, not your stupid made up opinions or redundant propoganda shoved down your throats by the fags at democraticunderground

USS 06-17-2006 12:22 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by 5thGenLx
wow. every democratic response here has been "i hate bush and have no reason for it except for because i'm a bleeding heart waaa waaa waaa"

you fucks couldn't win an arguement if the solution was on the paper under your nose.

other countries dont like us cuz we are actually doing something no one else had the balls to do. no other country had 2 planes flown into their trade centers and one into the pentagon.

our economy has consistently been growing over the last 4 years. no bush is not perfect but if anyone says kerry would do better doesnt know his head from his -------. do some fact finding to see how ------- great kerry is. oh wait, you wont, so why bother, i'll just let you know now, he's the worst presidential candidate in years, he lost, get over it.

get some facts, not your stupid made up opinions or redundant propoganda shoved down your throats by the fags at democraticunderground

People like you make me laugh.

So, it took someone killing 3000 people to decide that we had to go "liberate" Iraq, just to cause even more deaths ::)

What about the other genocide going on in the world? Do you really think we give a ---- about Iraq? We give just as much of a ---- as the north did for blacks during the civil war. It's all a game.

And to Steve --

I grew up in the public school system. I saw the degredation, and I've seen first hand what a cut in funding does to a school. My highschool was cut 1 million dollars in two years because of Bush's tax cuts. Some of the best teachers lost their jobs, the school lost money for things like... oh, you know, tables, chairs, simple maintance things. It's cool to have to cut a bar of soap in half because the bathrooms have only two working sinks.

Look at how the schools systems are, and think of the next generation of people. I went to an inner-city school, and I've seen first hand why we need a strong school system.

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