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buk9tp 06-17-2006 12:34 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
no fags you dont get it.. they hate us because we have our freedom... ::)

buk9tp 06-17-2006 12:45 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

buk9tp 06-17-2006 12:54 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid


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MikeJ-2009 06-17-2006 01:34 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
Bush IS probably the worst communicator to ever live, but alll the bandwagon bush haters don't have a clue why they hate him. And even the ones that say stupid ---- like "THE WIRETAPS" ::) have never, and will never be effected by any of that ----.

Originally Posted by yllwciv5
bush is the worst president ever....and other countrys hate us b/c of him....but the funny thing is people reelect'd him for another term.....plus he's lied many times so.....!!!!IMPEACHMENT!!!

Holy jesus. All the countries that hate us are in bed with the terrorist harboring countries, that's why we left thier bitch asses at home to complain about us. It has to do with money, not because they hate Bush. ::) He sold the war 86 times more than he had to, and that was a ---- up, but if you impeach ever President that told a lie we'd never have a President.

Originally Posted by Snafubmx234
People like you make me laugh.

So, it took someone killing 3000 people to decide that we had to go "liberate" Iraq, just to cause even more deaths ::)

What about the other genocide going on in the world? Do you really think we give a ---- about Iraq? We give just as much of a ---- as the north did for blacks during the civil war. It's all a game.

It actually took getting a passive democrat (Clinton) out of office, then 8 months later 9/11 happened. To go to war you need public support. 3000 dead = public support. We wouldn't have been able to just go if it didn't happen. "More deaths" is just a describing word that you use to describe the lowest number of deaths/per war you've ever heard of. I'd say its an accomplishment.

And I guess we really don't give a ---- about the country of Iraq. I don't. The "humanitarian" democrats surely don't. Saddam murdered half a million of his own people. Real humanitarians wouldn't have a problem with taking Saddam out.
It all boils down to saddam playing fucken games with the UN over the inspections. The U.N. countries say "one more time you don't let us inspect and we'll use military force". And you can guess what happened. While most of the other countries backed out on thier word, we didn't. That's the real reason we're there. We didn't have to find WMD's, or anything. We had a reason, but Bush fucked that up anyway with the way he tried to change the "reason". We feared saddam had WMD's, he wouldn't let the UN inspect, the UN warned him, and we kept our word. (read over 10x)

Colin, I don't know what happened at your school. My perception comes from the Ca. bullshit system. You're still in college though, which is further than I went, so I won't shed any tears for you. lol. ;)

N1ghtM0nkey 06-17-2006 02:46 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by Snafubmx234
He was not "for" war, he understood that we are over there, and we need to fix it. He developed a plan and had deadlines for when ---- was supposed to be done, and for when we were to pull our troops out. I have yet to see that from our current president :-\

You sign up for the military because you want to serve the country, no? How is this ------- serving our country? A bunch of kids are getting killed for no reason, by people that don't give a ---- about their life.

Kerry was not a good choice by any means, but he's a hell of a lot better than this red-neck faggot we have now.

Show me which box you check for "I'm not really *for* the war, but I understand we are over there, and we need to fix it."

No, god damn it - he voted to go to war with Iraq. There's no way around it, it's a yes or no vote. Yes war, or No war. Kerry voted yes war. Then to try and get elected he promised some kind of ------- plan like he can predict exactly when hostilities will end and terrorists will cease to exist in Iraq.

How is going to Iraq serving the country? Are you ------- serious? America has this cool little form of government called Democracy where the government officials are elected by the people. Basically, the citizens of the United States elected the officials that decided we need to go to war with Iraq.

In a round about way, the majority of the citizens in this country approved the war, or else they would have voted for a bleeding heart liberal.

So how is it NOT serving my country, and the majority of it's citizens, by going to help fight a war that they approved? And since when is there no purpose to this war? There are several purposes for the war. The purpose I see now, is to get Saddam out of office and help establish a government that does not perform genocide on it's citizens. Stealthmode covered the other ones.

blackice90hb 06-17-2006 12:16 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Colin, I don't know what happened at your school. My perception comes from the Ca. bullshit system. You're still in college though, which is further than I went, so I won't shed any tears for you. lol.
is that to me or Snafubmx234? My name is Colin, but Im not in college so I'm guessing you were talking to him. I dunno.

...dumb ass moment... :1

yllwciv5 06-17-2006 12:58 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by Stealthmode

Holy jesus. All the countries that hate us are in bed with the terrorist harboring countries, that's why we left thier bitch asses at home to complain about us. It has to do with money, not because they hate Bush. ::) He sold the war 86 times more than he had to, and that was a ---- up, but if you impeach ever President that told a lie we'd never have a President.

ok but clinton lied...but got his dicked sucked....and got impeach'd...but he was doin his job at president still...and he wasnt doin bad....actually doin a pretty good job.....bush on the other hand lies....fucks our world up....gets a lot of our soliders kill'd....LIE"S.....but yet no one in congress has the balls to step up and say anything.....and....we went to war b/c of bin laden and ----....he was in afganny......why did we move to iraq and take saddam down???? yea he's a crazy ----....but i thought we were goin after bin laden....hmmmm
isnt their oil in iraq???? i think we kno why bush went now lol

HondaTuner 06-17-2006 12:59 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
^ you totally fucked that up.

buk9tp 06-17-2006 01:31 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
im loving my 29 cents a gallon so you all can kiss my ass.

oh ---- thats not 29 cents thats ------- $2.99 a gallon :1

N1ghtM0nkey 06-17-2006 02:36 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
Move back to your homeland then, Mr. Hakhmed Durkastan.

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