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Dr.Boost 06-17-2006 02:45 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
I remember when the schools out here got the extra funding they've been crying about. What did they use it on? Books? Papers? Pencils? Teachers? Desks? No? What was it? All new Ford Expeditions 4x4 Lariats to drive the employees around in. Why? Because gas is cheap and they needed something that eats as much gas as it can so they can bitch about how much money they don't have next year. Everybody that voted for the funding was pissed afterwards when they found out where the money went. Stupid fucks..... :3

For the record, saying "I hate Bush" and "Bush sucks" doesn't make you look any smarter. :1 No matter who the president is, there will always be that crowd of people that say they disagree with him and he is an idiot. :1
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turboj0hn 06-17-2006 05:05 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by Stealthmode
Completely worthless point. ::) Yeah, good thing he doesn't run your country, otherwise you'd have a respectable military and you wouldn't be handing out heroin to all the addicts in an attempt to try to "understand" them. :S

LMFAOROFLPOOTFUX... Yea, Bush is the reason we have a 'respectable' military.

re·spect·a·ble (r-spkt-bl)
Meriting respect or esteem; worthy. (Worthy of the American people! We love our gigantic force with an overwhelming budget! Muahaha)
Of or appropriate to good or proper behavior or conventional conduct. (Well... no, that doesn't fit!)
Of moderately good quality: respectable work. (Quality of work... can't blame ground troops for horrible battle plans.)
Considerable in amount, number, or size: a respectable sum of money. (LOLOMFGUNAILEDZIT)

So... all we have is money and gross size of our military. I think we've had that in our favor long before Bush. Moot and indirect point!

And since you enjoy Bush, logicists is about 7 out of 10 on your list of 'smert abilities'. Having safe houses and clean facilities, as already explained, only helps a problem. I don't recall the benefits of throwing people in jail consistantly when they obviously don't get the message, outside of the money they provide the state. And since you're so concerned about individuals intruding in on your life(like we all are).... I'd take a complacent, taken-care-of junkie to one who can't get the money so he's willing to do anything, generally angry due to that, and full of diseases anyday. Albeit that's a wishful situation, I think the odds are still in the good junkies favor.

buk9tp 06-17-2006 05:09 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by N1ghtM0nkey
Move back to your homeland then, Mr. Hakhmed Durkastan.

lol to california? naaa i like detroit better ;D

MikeJ-2009 06-17-2006 05:27 PM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by yllwciv5
ok but clinton lied...but got his dicked sucked....and got impeach'd...but he was doin his job at president still...and he wasnt doin bad....actually doin a pretty good job.....bush on the other hand lies....fucks our world up....gets a lot of our soliders kill'd....LIE"S.....but yet no one in congress has the balls to step up and say anything.....and....we went to war b/c of bin laden and ----....he was in afganny......why did we move to iraq and take saddam down???? yea he's a crazy ----....but i thought we were goin after bin laden....hmmmm
isnt their oil in iraq???? i think we kno why bush went now lol

I'm not sure where you get your news, but it's obvious that you think "Bush fucked our world up" because we're at war and all the hippies are running around screaming". The reason why you think Clinton did a good job is because nobody (hippies) were running around screaming. The reason they weren't screaming is because he was doing ----. Attacked right and left and he did jack about it (see: passive liberal). Think about "a lot of our soldiers kill'd" in the sense that they are AT WAR, trying to change a small portion of the middle east into seeing the fucken light, which can and probably will change the future. Meanwhile, you forgot about "a lot" (being less than your "a lot") the 3,000+ lost on 9/11. Passive people get attacked. Pro-active people strike first, and it's sad that you first point out the number of dead soldiers dying for a cause rather than the citizens who died for no cause.

After 9/11 we declared war on terrorism. It just so happened that Iraq didn't let weapons inspectors inspect after thier last warning right about the same time. Al Zarqaui (fucken whatever) was killed last week in IRAQ. He was a terrorist, we declared war on terrorists, he was in IRAQ. As much as you'd like to paint IRAQ as the greatest nation on the earth, there's your connection. kthnxbye.

Originally Posted by turboj0hn
LMFAOROFLPOOTFUX... Yea, Bush is the reason we have a 'respectable' military.

re·spect·a·ble (r-spkt-bl)
Meriting respect or esteem; worthy. (Worthy of the American people! We love our gigantic force with an overwhelming budget! Muahaha)
Of or appropriate to good or proper behavior or conventional conduct. (Well... no, that doesn't fit!)
Of moderately good quality: respectable work. (Quality of work... can't blame ground troops for horrible battle plans.)
Considerable in amount, number, or size: a respectable sum of money. (LOLOMFGUNAILEDZIT)

The military that you hate so much is the reason you can express your fucked up opinion. "appropriate to good or proper behavior or conventional conduct" would be to put you in front of a firing squad, cause you're a discrase. Let me know when I can pay for your one-way to France. They'll let you be as passive as you want with crackheads, since it's obvious you can't stand up for yourself.

J-SMITH69 06-18-2006 01:54 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
keep your stupid ass comments and socialist beliefs in your own country eh fruity

yllwciv5 06-18-2006 02:02 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
whoa...im not tryin to paint IRAQ as the greatest nation...never said that...never will...

N1ghtM0nkey 06-18-2006 04:43 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by turboj0hn
LMFAOROFLPOOTFUX... Yea, Bush is the reason we have a 'respectable' military.

re·spect·a·ble (r-spkt-bl)
Meriting respect or esteem; worthy. (Worthy of the American people! We love our gigantic force with an overwhelming budget! Muahaha)
Of or appropriate to good or proper behavior or conventional conduct. (Well... no, that doesn't fit!)
Of moderately good quality: respectable work. (Quality of work... can't blame ground troops for horrible battle plans.)
Considerable in amount, number, or size: a respectable sum of money. (LOLOMFGUNAILEDZIT)

So... all we have is money and gross size of our military. I think we've had that in our favor long before Bush. Moot and indirect point!

---- you.

You miserable piece of faggot ----. If it weren't four our "respectable" military as you call it, America would not exist. You can go eat a large portion of tube steak because our military has kept our country safe from people like Hitler and Saddam that would immediately exterminate thankless homosexual jews such as yourself.

Thanks to Clinton we had 9/11. If he would have hunted terrorists nearly as hard as he hunted a piece of ass - 9/11 would have never had a chance to happen. Had the war on terror started a few years earlier those people wouldn't have lost their lives.

We've lost approxomately 2,000 or so troops in Iraq. Approxomately 3,000 civilians died on 9/11. The way I see it, our "respectable" military is doing a pretty ------- good job - especially when it comes to preventing the loss of life of Americans.

Maybe you should move to a country you see as more "respectable" that has a more "respectable" military than America. The closest you would come to finding a country that fits your idea of "respectable" would be China with their Communist / Socialist government. I bet you'd ------- love that, you piece of worthless ------- ----.

Eat curb, asshat.

chinoy 06-18-2006 08:39 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
Tell us something new.

THank god for Michele More and 9/11.
Thanks to him now everybody in the world knows what Bush is made off.

America is a Great country with great people. In spite of its President.

For crying out loud the guy lied to your faces. He LIED
WMDs and terorists :S
Iraq has nothing to do with Either I should know grew up there.

Is the US doing a good thing being in Iraq. Sure its doing it to make money and it will. Which is good for the acrage american.

But if you really wanted to figth terorists. Now thats a diffirent ball game and subject alltogether.

Billy boy geting his Knob polished in the oval office didnt help. Neither is Bush.

I think guys like Bill Gates will do more for the American people and country than Bush can ever dream of doing.

Its funny how most Americans dont want to wake up and see reality arround them.

And yes Im all for distributing Syringes and safe houses.
Better that then having 10 guys sharing one needle. Ive worked with addicts in the UK and Indian and UKs policy of baning the sale of Syringes is stupid to say the least. Like thats going to control the spiraling rise in addicts.

yllwciv5 06-18-2006 09:36 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid

Originally Posted by N1ghtM0nkey
---- you.

You miserable piece of faggot ----. If it weren't four our "respectable" military as you call it, America would not exist. You can go eat a large portion of tube steak because our military has kept our country safe from people like Hitler and Saddam that would immediately exterminate thankless homosexual jews such as yourself.

Thanks to Clinton we had 9/11. If he would have hunted terrorists nearly as hard as he hunted a piece of ass - 9/11 would have never had a chance to happen. Had the war on terror started a few years earlier those people wouldn't have lost their lives.

We've lost approxomately 2,000 or so troops in Iraq. Approxomately 3,000 civilians died on 9/11. The way I see it, our "respectable" military is doing a pretty ------- good job - especially when it comes to preventing the loss of life of Americans.

Maybe you should move to a country you see as more "respectable" that has a more "respectable" military than America. The closest you would come to finding a country that fits your idea of "respectable" would be China with their Communist / Socialist government. I bet you'd ------- love that, you piece of worthless ------- ----.

Eat curb, asshat.

thank clinton we had 9/11? ooohhhh even tho bush was president and bush had reports of terriost's attacking and did nothing about it...it's still clinton's fault?
let me guess u voted to reelect bush? :1

HondaTuner 06-18-2006 10:21 AM

Re: God damn bush is stupid
Yeah, Iraq has NOTHING to do with terrorists... so uhh we're just over in iraq having a jolly old time? No. Terrorists have been attacking them IN IRAQ. So you tell me if theres no connection.

The WMD, it was "bad information" from OUR government, the FRENCH (I think) and the BRITISH intelligence. I honestly think he just shipped them out to another country.

Iraq was supposed to let the UN in by a certain point and did not, Bush could've explained that but decided to try to throw some other BS in there. But that IS why we went there.

NBC News has obtained, exclusively, extraordinary secret video, shot by the U.S. government. It illustrates an enormous opportunity the Clinton administration had to kill or capture bin Laden. Critics call it a missed opportunity.
Have all of you forgotten about the February 26, 1993 attack one of the WTC buildings?

1993 - World Trade Center bombing: In New York City, a truck bomb parked below the North Tower of the World Trade Center goes off, killing 6 and injuring over a thousand.

In October 1995, the militant Islamist and blind cleric Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, who preached at mosques in Brooklyn and Jersey City, was sentenced to life imprisonment for masterminding the bombing. Rahman, whose Islamic Group organization is believed to have had links to Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, was later convicted with a number of others of conspiracy charges to bomb several New York City landmarks
Could've taken him out right there :1

I don't really blame it on either President. The blame lies in the people who flew the planes into the building and the people who helped orchestrate it.

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