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Old 02-23-2008, 09:56 PM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

Originally Posted by CoreyR
its impossible to dislike you, you dont get defensive when people make fun of or try to disprove you're beliefs. WHY
want to know why? because i don't give a living rats *** about peoples opinions other then my own. and i told you they are not Beliefs, it's just an understanding. and i WANT people to try to disprove what i have come to an understanding to. it usually leds them to do some of their own research. which in turn gives them some information about what to figure out what is real in their own lives..

plus I've leaned that a person is incapable of change if that person is unwilling to absorb anything else that doesn't fit in their box. whenever information is pass on a person usually immediately disregards the information given to him/her.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
—Arthur Schopenhauer (German philosopher, 1788-1860).

want to know why i like this forum? because people here, like me.. don't give a rats *** opinion about anybody else.. and that's what we all share here.. we all accept that in each other.
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Old 02-23-2008, 10:41 PM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

Originally Posted by corey88
thats some ------ crazy ---- dude. what kind of acid are you consuming?
fixed, and can i have some
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Old 02-24-2008, 02:29 AM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

drugs IMO are bad

except if you want to experience the altered states for Mental exploration and being safe, prepared and informed about it. too much of anything is bad for ya. like eating too much... that's bad for you too.. everything in moderation.

i on the other hand. prefer a drug free environment. too many people abuse the substance as it is, an addicting thing. but that is not to say i haven't experience my own addiction in the past. we all have our own demons to fight.
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Old 02-24-2008, 11:22 PM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

Originally Posted by blade8r
it's not a belief system. it's a, I think this is what it is. I am however, very open to being wrong...
believe me, if i had the knowledge to prove you wrong, then i would do so. but, as ou have said, in order to know how everything exists, wether it being matter, energy, etc, even what does not exist, (i.s. and imaginary unsiverse) i would have to have infinte knowledge. which, according to you, humans as we exist now, are incapleable of doing so.

random question. what are your thoeries on the predictions of naustradomous(sp?). i think that all he did was write so vaguely, that his inquaries can be related to just about everything. reason i ask is, they had the 500 year anniversary thing on hstory channel, and it raised some questions for me. like, is predicting actions of the future really possible? if so, how does one attain this "power"? i think it'd be pretty awesome to be "psychic"
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Old 02-25-2008, 12:26 AM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

Originally Posted by hondaunlimited
believe me, if i had the knowledge to prove you wrong, then i would do so. but, as ou have said, in order to know how everything exists, wether it being matter, energy, etc, even what does not exist, (i.s. and imaginary unsiverse) i would have to have infinte knowledge. which, according to you, humans as we exist now, are incapleable of doing so.

random question. what are your thoeries on the predictions of naustradomous(sp?). i think that all he did was write so vaguely, that his inquaries can be related to just about everything. reason i ask is, they had the 500 year anniversary thing on hstory channel, and it raised some questions for me. like, is predicting actions of the future really possible? if so, how does one attain this "power"? i think it'd be pretty awesome to be "psychic"
well. i don't think what we precieve is an imaginary universe. it really does exist.. but as energy. That energy is arranged in a way where the mind picks up that energy and consciously forms a perception. that energy is formed in the mind which is only a perception. It's how the mind translates the energy. is it real? absolutely! but you must understand. that it's only energy..

let me put it simpler because it really is a hard concept to grasp... think of the universe as a computer's code.. now there are programs out there to translate this code, now you need different programs to get different results. in order to get words, you must use TXT. in order to get picture you must a jpeg viewer. to get sound, Sound recorder. you need these programs to Come up with a picture with words and music.. if you are able to bring all these programs together to work with each other. you get a panorama representation of every single select programs to View an animated movie with subtitles. now... the actual movie you see. is only a perception of a many translated programs to bring forth an image. in truth you are not a translated image. you are the total entirety of the computer's code.. as it's the basic building blocks.. now you must understand that the actual image doesn't it is, only a translation..

i hope you guys can understand as it took me quite awhile..

Nostradamus..i really have to re-review his work.. back when i studied his predictions in 1999. I was 15 years old trying to figure out life like any other kid. at the time i was a very much into organized religion as a former 7th Day Adventist. i wanted to know why history has always came in and out of predictions that Nostradamus predicted. even then i knew his predictions were very ambiguous. at the time.. i was well versed with the bible. as even at that age i have read the bible.

now you must understand that i personally read the bible for my own purposes. my father is a Buddhist, my brothers all undecided and my mother a Catholic. my parents were separated at age 8 and i had zero contact with moms during that time. i literally taught myself the bible as i had no formal guidance. the reason i read up on it was for self salvation. i didn't want to burn in hell.. (which is quite a negative prerogative in reality) i only did it because i didn't something bad to happen... which btw later on i personally gave up the faith because. it really was the only reason i followed the religion.. it was the fear complex.. so i decided not to live in that fear.. and that's how a person is able to change.. when they choose not to fear.

anyways i digress. at the time I really did not accept anything that Nostradamus as truth. as it conflicted with my box of (it doesn't work with me). so i disregarded the information as being coincidental hoax. however now that i walk a different line... the memory of my studies are kinda flooding back into my head.. i remember reading his work as he talked about an eagle will strike the new city October 2001 with the great collapse of two economy's. and the great empire will roar and fight with Persia in the great 3rd world war. and about John Paul the 2nd is the 3rd last pope (there is only one after the 70 year old German Douch more according the Nos ). and the end of the world 2012..

surprising enough.. it ends on that date... lol..

btw Persia doesn't exist anymore.. But is today's Modern day... Iran.... scary huh..
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Old 02-28-2008, 06:45 AM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

Originally Posted by blade8r
well. i don't think what we precieve is an imaginary universe. it really does exist.. but as energy. That energy is arranged in a way where the mind picks up that energy and consciously forms a perception. that energy is formed in the mind which is only a perception. It's how the mind translates the energy. is it real? absolutely! but you must understand. that it's only energy..

let me put it simpler because it really is a hard concept to grasp... think of the universe as a computer's code.. now there are programs out there to translate this code, now you need different programs to get different results. in order to get words, you must use TXT. in order to get picture you must a jpeg viewer. to get sound, Sound recorder. you need these programs to Come up with a picture with words and music.. if you are able to bring all these programs together to work with each other. you get a panorama representation of every single select programs to View an animated movie with subtitles. now... the actual movie you see. is only a perception of a many translated programs to bring forth an image. in truth you are not a translated image. you are the total entirety of the computer's code.. as it's the basic building blocks.. now you must understand that the actual image doesn't it is, only a translation..

i hope you guys can understand as it took me quite awhile..

Nostradamus..i really have to re-review his work.. back when i studied his predictions in 1999. I was 15 years old trying to figure out life like any other kid. at the time i was a very much into organized religion as a former 7th Day Adventist. i wanted to know why history has always came in and out of predictions that Nostradamus predicted. even then i knew his predictions were very ambiguous. at the time.. i was well versed with the bible. as even at that age i have read the bible.

now you must understand that i personally read the bible for my own purposes. my father is a Buddhist, my brothers all undecided and my mother a Catholic. my parents were separated at age 8 and i had zero contact with moms during that time. i literally taught myself the bible as i had no formal guidance. the reason i read up on it was for self salvation. i didn't want to burn in hell.. (which is quite a negative prerogative in reality) i only did it because i didn't something bad to happen... which btw later on i personally gave up the faith because. it really was the only reason i followed the religion.. it was the fear complex.. so i decided not to live in that fear.. and that's how a person is able to change.. when they choose not to fear.

anyways i digress. at the time I really did not accept anything that Nostradamus as truth. as it conflicted with my box of (it doesn't work with me). so i disregarded the information as being coincidental hoax. however now that i walk a different line... the memory of my studies are kinda flooding back into my head.. i remember reading his work as he talked about an eagle will strike the new city October 2001 with the great collapse of two economy's. and the great empire will roar and fight with Persia in the great 3rd world war. and about John Paul the 2nd is the 3rd last pope (there is only one after the 70 year old German Douch more according the Nos ). and the end of the world 2012..

surprising enough.. it ends on that date... lol..

btw Persia doesn't exist anymore.. But is today's Modern day... Iran.... scary huh..
like yourself, i love to work things out to see what they really are. mostly puzzles and such. but im glad to see that im not the only one who questions everything. im always looking to see what you've posted because i like to absorb information. i would like to find out as much as i can about the different thoeries of the universe and why everything exists the way it does. but that doesnt really matter, in the end anyways. when i die, i shall see what actually lies beyond this plain of existance. have you ever played the xenosaga games for ps2? i think that some of what they say is true about how the universe itself has its own conciesness and will. they simply call it U-DO. but the fact that this U-DO can contact our beings would be amazing. it seems that (in the game) that the universe wants to know why we beings have fellings and why we think we exist. i say to play it simply to gain insight onto what the creators think of the game think. im also interested why people think the way they do. so far ive come to the conclusion that it makes people feel safer and that it may be of the simple fact that they will believe what they want to believe, to believe that there is a greater existance than which we can attain. like i said before, to obtain so much knowledge of why we exist and what comes next would be something that would be satisfying and dissapointing at the same time.

on a side note, i want to see the "end of days"/apocolypse/end of the world. i think it'd be pretty cool
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Old 02-28-2008, 11:53 AM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

Originally Posted by blade8r
nah nah something about we've been manipulated into doing every thing that a natural species wouldn't of done for itself. such as economies, Murder without cause, current day religions. also the many different earth species. too many different human species on this planet. as evolving civilization only have 1 dominant species. the earth has 5.

the galactic councils said that alien intervention from our planet/crust/Moon and Mars. all extra terrestrial influence must not be here. malevolent or benevolent regardless. we are given the opportunity to prove that we are able to move out and about when this planet is able to join the rest of the galaxy when we are able to move among the stars.

we are still being monitored and rescued from both the physical frequency and the non physical frequency.

but i digress this isn't about alien bullshit topic it's about the moon and the alignment.

Dude you so remind me of this crazy bitch in the psych ward at my prison.
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Old 02-28-2008, 12:09 PM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

Damn it smell weed in this place...

blade8r, I know it's you, it smell more when I read your posts!
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Old 03-01-2008, 05:21 AM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

I'm different alright.

even more so, my older brother who i seldom contact also came to the same understanding. he came to the same conclusion in life as i have. even without any influence of what i teach. trippy stuff. seeing as I alone have walked this path.

I'm not really close to my older brother but one day after almost a long time of not chatting we converse and sure enough expressed the same understanding. my youngest brother Thinks we are both and i quote, "Your both insane." and means it.

although i must admit he is not as far advance in as i am.

but rest assured every living entity goes through these steps.. you may not go through this process within this or even the next incarnation. as the evolution process is quite long. it takes many incarnation cycles to learn the elemental values in life. this planet is unfortunately considered spiritually dormant. as the average vessel only has 2 or 3 months of true spiritual movement during each incarnation.. that's 2-3 months of spiritual understanding per 75 years lifetime. but that's because culture has a way to blind us of the true message what we really are..

I must protest and call a message to anyone who is willing to read. I want people to know that there is going to be a cosmic spiritual intervention. it is currently in the works as everything has already been set. beings are going to come in and change the culture and everything we understand today. they are the ones who are going to lead the pack in the right direction. they are the ones who are going to help mankind not destroy itself.

you can take any living being who is able to comprehend beyond itself and that living being knows without a doubt that this planet is doomed. from what? we don't know. but insinuated by either Nuclear warfare, or pollution. either way we die.. and we as a human race.. knows this.

cosmic law does not allow an the invasion or intervention. so, the invasion. must be down on the feet of man alone.. so the invasion will come in the form of a human being.. with a soul not of this planet.. and they will change the world..

ithey are your brother, your moms. dad's and best friends. they are here to change the world. they without are you but not you. as they, the spiritual ones will want the change of their world on your behalf. and they all exist here already.
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Old 03-01-2008, 05:26 AM
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Default Re: Lunar Eclipse

Originally Posted by blade8r
I'm different alright.

even more so, my older brother who i seldom contact also came to the same understanding. he came to the same conclusion in life as i have. even without any influence of what i teach. trippy stuff. seeing as I alone have walked this path.

I'm not really close to my older brother but one day after almost a long time of not chatting we converse and sure enough expressed the same understanding. my youngest brother Thinks we are both and i quote, "Your both insane." and means it.

although i must admit he is not as far advance in as i am.

but rest assured every living entity goes through these steps.. you may not go through this process within this or even the next incarnation. as the evolution process is quite long. it takes many incarnation cycles to learn the elemental values in life. this planet is unfortunately considered spiritually dormant. as the average vessel only has 2 or 3 months of true spiritual movement during each incarnation.. that's 2-3 months of spiritual understanding per 75 years lifetime. but that's because culture has a way to blind us of the true message what we really are..

I must protest and call a message to anyone who is willing to read. I want people to know that there is going to be a cosmic spiritual intervention. it is currently in the works as everything has already been set. beings are going to come in and change the culture and everything we understand today. they are the ones who are going to lead the pack in the right direction. they are the ones who are going to help mankind not destroy itself.

you can take any living being who is able to comprehend beyond itself and that living being knows without a doubt that this planet is doomed. from what? we don't know. but insinuated by either Nuclear warfare, or pollution. either way we die.. and we as a human race.. knows this.

cosmic law does not allow an the invasion or intervention. so, the invasion. must be down on the feet of man alone.. so the invasion will come in the form of a human being.. with a soul not of this planet.. and they will change the world..

ithey are your brother, your moms. dad's and best friends. they are here to change the world. they without are you but not you. as they, the spiritual ones will want the change of their world on your behalf. and they all exist here already.
can i have all your possesions? i mean, they're all fake, right?
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