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BoostForLife 12-10-2008 09:30 PM

Re: SO i donated blood today
I just got a blood test last night. Looked right at the needle as they poked me and blood was gushing out to a container. Doctor was surprised that I was looking as she was working and it didn't bother me at all. Most people I know just pass out when you stick a needle in them.

I would so totally donate, but I can't because the hemoglobin level in my blood is too high, it's at 17.5. Which mean i got really thick blood and too many red blood cells. Damn, I can get a blood clot anytime randomly. ----, sucks for me lol.

SDRAWKCAB 12-10-2008 10:00 PM

Re: SO i donated blood today

Originally Posted by jagojon3
You're also fucked because it's harder to find a donor if YOU need blood
I wouldn't get wasted right after donating.

I got ------- tanked on 4 drinks it was great!

seerex 12-10-2008 10:06 PM

Re: SO i donated blood today

Originally Posted by Kenny Rogers
I don't mind the sight of my own blood spewing out of me, I'm just selfish.

+1, don't even know my own blood type :l

wrinkledmr2 12-10-2008 10:28 PM

Re: SO i donated blood today
I did it two weeks ago cause I wanted to know what blood type I am and how many diseases I have. I almost passed out too.

Scott-EP 12-10-2008 10:41 PM

Re: SO i donated blood today
i had a blood pressure problem and my doctor wanted to put me on pills. my pressure was like 145/95. i wasnt into that ---- so i donated blood the day before my last doctor visit to put me on pills. my pressure was 120/80, perfect. it has stayed there steady since then. i eat like ---- and my cholesterol is awesome. my wife gets pissed cause she eats a lot better than i do and hers is higher. i have been donating every time they call me now. they always have some sob story of kids with leukemia and i feel bad. now that i have done it a few times i dont mind doing it. its hard to find the time though. they say it makes you healthier since you are making fresh blood all the time.

TurboGuy 12-10-2008 11:39 PM

Re: SO i donated blood today
Everybody should donate IF they can. I mean it'd suck to get all fucked up and there not be any blood for you when your life depends on it. I just give money to the red cross now. I think they are one of the better charitable organizations out there. Well, I hope they dont just pocket the cash.

Scott-EP 12-10-2008 11:52 PM

Re: SO i donated blood today
all charities are a scam. at least with giving blood, they cant take any of that, unless they actually need it. lol

some charities do mroe good than others, but they all pay their high ups a ---- ton of money so they show no profit

scottsi 12-11-2008 12:40 AM

Re: SO i donated blood today
My blood is my blood, if you want it come take it from the leaking hole you'll have to shoot in me to get it.

Scott-EP 12-11-2008 12:41 AM

Re: SO i donated blood today

Originally Posted by scottsi
My blood is my blood, if you want it come take it from the leaking hole you'll have to shoot in me to get it.

you need to get that old ---- out of there. just like your oil, it needs to be changed

MikeJ-2009 12-11-2008 12:50 AM

Re: SO i donated blood today
I'm also O+, and I pass out no matter what. :8

I didn't used to, but after the first time it happens you get so anxious that it'll happen again you just do it again. It's a never ending cycle, unless they give me adivan. Then I'm ready to go whenever, except I don't donate ----.

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