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signorelli21 01-20-2009 11:12 PM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"

Originally Posted by rawr
Freedom is still just as subjective in that statement. To me freedom is one of those feel good words that people like to hear and commit themselves to collectivist causes for, thus sacrificing their "freedom" in the process. It's one of those words like selflessness that exist in concept, but not in practice (yes I have ethical egoist leanings). They make good sales pitches for the reason that most people can not argue against them and not come off looking like a complete -------, but they're really nothing more than that.

Well if you put it that way its nearly impossible to argue against, the reason being that the word freedom means "absense of necessity or coercion" so by that definition no society could be free because a society or civilization is just a group of people bound by common laws or regulations, so it would be close to impossible to live in groups of people because even hunter-gatherer tribes in africa still have a social structure and rules they follow.

Originally Posted by rawr
Also, I don't think that you can force anyone to become more educated and maintain the notion that the country is free.

Thats the Irony, your not forcing anyone to do anything against their will. In fact I believe that the correct course of action is to do nothing at all to change the policies of our country, foreign or domestic, and in doing so the necessary change will be brought about on its own and the "education" I spoke of will be quite painfull but will be a result of enough people making a concious decision to either ignore what is happening or to choose to do nothing about it.

I think Xenocron is right though, theres nothing we can do to stop it now, were basically on the Titanic and the people in charge still think it impossible that a ship as great as ours could ever sink.

Chris Harris 01-21-2009 12:43 AM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"

Originally Posted by Joseph Davis
Did you watch the OG or the remake, Chris?

I'm a poser, what do you think?

d16forlife 01-21-2009 12:54 AM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"
rawr: +1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000
000000000000000000000000/ The grown man whjo calls himself "Jhonny": -100000000000

Tom-Guy 01-21-2009 01:10 AM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"

Originally Posted by xenocron
I'm a poser, what do you think?

Hitchhikkr clowns people like you. He's hugely stuck on the original, and refuses to see the remake, or even be civil to those who have.

You should so ban him before he publicly makes fun of you for it. :y :P

HMTdmc 01-21-2009 01:56 AM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"
I would make an awesome king. But would be a horrible president. The real problem at the deepest root of our economy is social and moral decay. All the people who pay there bills are dying off and being replaced by kids raised on mtv type bullshit thinking they have to be rich or atleast appear so with a shiny prada bag and cars they can't pay for wich leads to houses they can't pay for.

People need to be taught what our grandparents new naturally. Rewards come from hard work and hard work only people think they deserve things they can't afford. No one has any backbone for work so socialist ideas creep in and everyone deep down inside thinks they'll funally get something for nothing. Previous generations knew that wasn't how it works.

The easy way to fix it is. Get rid of welfare. Make credit hard to get. Make a collage education easier to afford. Hell even make eduction a government institution take the welfare money we saved and spend it there. It's an investment smarter people are worth more and pay more taxes. It would be a long term investment that would take about 30 years to work but yeah we would be the top world power for thousands of years like this.

b18. 01-21-2009 02:16 AM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"

Originally Posted by rawr
Personally, I think all human systems are subject to decent and eventual corruption or collapse. I also think that there's no just way to alter the system in a relevant way that would stick with the general public and not come to a point where the original ideas were not brought to a point of eventual perversion. Hell, we even do it on a forum within a period of a few months.

William Golding what?

Dmc1 has the right idea, and so does rawr.

Reciprocity in our society has declined because of "moral decay" simply because it has become much harder to "trust your neighbors", which has a lot to do with suburban enterprises, but that's not the problem.

As far as I've gathered it's worked out like this, we're over saturated with young people who need to be educated in order to have a good basis on which to form values, this leads to a strain on our education system, attributing to the decline of our standardized level of education, coupled with a general boom in information systems in the past twenty-five years and a growing trend in over stimulation during developmental periods, as well as (though purely speculation) a decline in the quality of diet for a majority of Americans equates to a less motivated populace.

But what do I know, maybe rawr's right and we've simply evolved away from reciprocal altruism.

I don't know, I just wish these threads would end, there's enough of them on every other board in the internets, why does some ------- have to start one here too.

signorelli21 01-21-2009 07:12 AM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"
Thats bullshit, you know i am sick of people always blaming things on the "younger generations", sure young people are bastards because thats their job, i think from 15-25 your job is to ----, drink and piss people off and after that your supposed to grow up and become part of the "working class". I encounter WAY more resistance every day form older people when talking about politics or economics because they are stubborn and set in their ways about ----, not to mention the superstitious religious nonsense that makes them feel compelled not to understand things "because its for god to know and us to find out".

I don't want your reciprocal bullshit or moral standards, thats what creates social programs like social security and welfare because "the able should take care of those whom are unable" or whatever, you ever read Atlas shrugged? She calls those people looters for a reason.

As for nationalizing the schools, thats the worst idea ever, the reason being that once the government has total control over the schools then they will teach only whats in their best interest, thats how ---- like the Hitler youth are created, its also a good way to erase history. WHat i meant about making people more educated was that they should be taught how to logically examine a situation and come to their own conclusion based on the facts presented, not on some bullshit moral or biased propaganda, most people can't tell you what the war on terror is but those same people will tell you its a good thing, well how the ---- do they know?

HMTdmc 01-21-2009 10:44 AM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"
Morals have nothing to do with religion. Hell if it were up to me religion would only be taught in history classes. Show me a religous person and I'll show you a fool.

Tom-Guy 01-21-2009 12:07 PM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"

Originally Posted by signorelli21
As for nationalizing the schools, thats the worst idea ever, the reason being that once the government has total control over the schools then they will teach only whats in their best interest, thats how ---- like the Hitler youth are created, its also a good way to erase history.

Like history hasn't been erased, anyway. No one is ever taught anything about the Civil War, 99% of the population think it had something to do with slavery. You should read public school history books that are 25, 50, 75, and 100 years old sometime. They all say DRASTICALLY different things.

Jorsher 01-21-2009 01:34 PM

Re: trouble economy? recession? "hard times"

Originally Posted by Joseph Davis
Like history hasn't been erased, anyway. No one is ever taught anything about the Civil War, 99% of the population think it had something to do with slavery. You should read public school history books that are 25, 50, 75, and 100 years old sometime. They all say DRASTICALLY different things.


I've always wanted to find some old or foreign textbooks. History books when I was in school made it sound like the North was just fighting the south because of evil slavery, when in fact slavery had little to do with it. I bet in 10-20 years when I have offspring in school, their textbooks will talk about how we "freed" the iraqis in the current war, because we cared about their freedom.

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